Vanessa Rojas
Project Manager
Vanessa Rojas is an agent of change, a community organizer, and committed to abolishing systems of oppression. Having served four years in federal prison, she is pursuing a degree in Law, Public Policy, and Society while managing special projects at Palomar Community College in the office of the President. Vanessa is a motivational public speaker and advocate for criminal justice reform, working with grassroots organizations like FAMM (Families Against Mandatory Minimums) and Initiate Justice Action. In addition to her advocacy work, Vanessa is part of a national community of reentry experts. She is also a published author. She facilitates workshops and mentors women and men. Vanessa's journey as a survivor of childhood trauma, domestic abuse, addiction, and incarceration drives her passion for promoting successful reintegration for individuals reentering society. As a mother and grandmother, Vanessa is dedicated to creating a more just and equitable world for future generations.