Sarah Neidlinger, MSW, LCSW
Health Care for Re-Entry Veterans (HCRV) Specialist
Sarah Neidlinger is the Health Care for Re-entry Veteran’s (HCRV) Specialist with the VA for the Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 10, Southernwestern tier, which covers much of Indiana. She has a Master’s Degree in Social Work from IU School of Social Work (2006) and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) with the State of Indiana. In her role as HCRV Specialist, Sarah provides Outreach to Veterans at over 15 correctional facilities in Indiana who are within six to twelve months of releasing from incarceration. Sarah has been with the VA for over 17 years working in the justice programs, homelessness programs, VA mental health and primary care. Sarah has worked on a number of innovative/emerging projects within the HCRV program at the VA, including an Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) Veteran’s unit, Veteran’s re-entry fairs, collaborating with Veterans Justice Outreach Coordinators for re-entry tracts for Veteran’s treatment courts, and a collaboration with IDOC to utilize the Learning Management System/GTL to upload Veteran information. For the past two years, Sarah has led a national workgroup and then completed a detail with the VA National Homeless Program Office addressing barriers to re-entry for Veterans who release from incarceration who have to register as a sex offender.